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Explore Millions of Verified Creators in Our Twitter Influencer Database

Search for the best Twitter influencers and reach out to them. Our wide range of search filters will help you discover the right social media influencers who will help you grow your Twitter community and reach your target audience.


Search for Twitter content creators with strong engagement and large audiences.


Group your search results in lists, add accounts to your influencer network, and export influencers you discovered.


Download your list of interesting Twitch accounts to a CSV file for further use.

Find Influencers with Twitter Influencer Discovery

Pinpoint Twitter influencers in seconds

Use our handy filters to narrow down your results and search for Twitter influencers by their audience size, follower growth, performance, and tweet activity. Find potential ambassadors who fit your brand.
Pinpoint Twitter influencers in seconds

Get your brand in front of your audience

Filter Twitter influencers using keywords and discover influencers in specific niche topics. Uncover relevant voices who are capable of getting your message to the right audience in the right way.
Get your brand in front of your audience

Organize your Twitter influencers

Streamline your influencer marketing search process and divide Twitter influencers into lists. Manage your lists, organize them as necessary, and download them in a CSV file.
Organize your Twitter influencers

Reach out to Twitter influencers

Gain access to influencer contact information so you can start the conversation with your potential partners right off the bat.
Reach out to Twitter influencers

HypeAuditor’s Twitter Influencer Discovery grants brands and agencies the ability to streamline and optimize their social media marketing influencer search process. With the help of advanced influencer search filters, brands and agencies can identify and contact X (formerly Twitter) accounts whose followers match the target audience. HypeAuditor’s Twitter search tools also enable brands to narrow their list of influencers to collaborate with by filtering accounts by performance, engagement, and other key criteria.

The X Influencer Search tool further empowers brands to target niche X influencers by searching for industry influencers featuring specific keywords and categories. This allows brands to double down on X accounts and influencers in a certain niche or expand their reach via social media networks.

Questions and Answers About Twitter Influencer Search

How to find influencers on Twitter?

Popular Twitter influencers can help you connect with your audience and grow your brand. However, finding the right social media influencers on the Twitter social media network can be challenging. Powered by a robust influencer search engine, HypeAuditor’s X Influencer Discovery platform is designed to make finding influencers on Twitter who can meet your marketing needs and wants simpler. You can search for an influencer’s profile by performance and tweet activity, as well as retweets and Twitter accounts in niche topics using multiple filter options and creating a Twitter influencer list.

And if you want to find Twitter micro-influencers, an influencer finder like HypeAuditor allows you to indicate the size of the influencer you want. Simply configure the influencer size filter in Influencer Discovery to search for nano-influencers and micro-influencers.

How to find Twitter influencers in your industry?

If you want to find Twitter influencers by topic, you can analyze and use popular keywords in your industry. Twitter tools like Influencer Discovery allow you to search for Twitter accounts using keywords. Simply enter your search term related to your influencers’ niche and get a Twitter influencer list that can help you get your brand in front of your target market.

How to find Twitter influencers in your area?

If you want to find a Twitter influencer in your area, you can use a simple influencer finder like HypeAuditor Influencer Discovery. Once you log in to your account, you can go to the Recruitment section and use the audience location filter to set your city, country, or state. You can then fine-tune the results by configuring any of the other filters. 

How do I approach Twitter influencers?

Twitter influencers can help you effectively boost your Twitter presence. Once you define your influencer marketing goals and your ideal influencer, you need to find the best candidates and reach out to them. When targeting opinion leaders, we suggest asking them relevant and interesting questions. Make sure to study their Twitter profile and tweets carefully.

With HypeAuditor’s influencer finder, you can search for Twitter accounts by follower number and tweet performance and discover opinion leaders with contact information. Find their contact details and connect with them.

How do you find influencers on Twitter for free?

You can search for Twitter accounts for free with the Twitter influencer research tool in HypeAuditor. Simply log in to your account or create a free HypeAuditor account if you don’t have one yet. Narrow your search with filters like influencer’s country, language, audience size, performance, and tweet activity, and find top influencers on Twitter for your brand.

How do I grow my Twitter?

There are many effective ways to organically get more Twitter followers, such as posting engaging content, using visuals, interacting with the community, and tweeting consistently. 

However, you don’t always have to do it alone. You can connect with Twitter influencers to promote your brand. HypeAuditor Influencer Discovery platform helps you find opinion leaders on Twitter for your business. With filters, you can search Twitter influencers and identify those who are in your niche to communicate your brand message to the right audience.

How to find Twitter influencers by topic?

If you have ever tried finding Twitter influencers by a specific topic, you can easily do so with the HypeAuditor Influencer Discovery tool. Simply click on the “Any category” filter and choose the most relevant topic or business industry your company is involved in. Once you’ve mastered the art of finding one influencer, finding other influencers will be a breeze.

How to find Twitter influencers free?

If you want to find the right influencers on X (formerly Twitter), access the HypeAuditor dashboard and go to the Influencer Search tool for Twitter. Search for the influencer characteristics you want, select influencers who seem interesting, and add them to receive critical information about their account.

What analytics should I use?

You’ll need to conduct an analysis of your marketing campaign needs in order to determine which performance metrics, demographic factors, engagement analytics, and niche you should filter your discovery by. This might include an analysis of platforms, social networks, popular X influencers’ engagement rates, and common Twitter users. With this information in hand, you’ll be able to make the most of our influencer database of X influencer profiles.